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Prayer for Spiritual Healing

I ask the great unseen healing force to remove all obstructions from my mind and body and to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty and I will do my part. I ask this great unseen healing force to help both present and absent ones who are in need of help and to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust in the love and power of God.


Spiritual Healing

A Spiritualist healer is one who either through his own inherent powers or through his mediumship, is able to impart vital, curative forces to pathological conditions.

The results of Spiritual Healing are produced in several ways to-wit:

By the spiritual influences working through the body of the medium and thus infusing curative, stimulating and vitalizing fluids and energies into the diseased parts of the patients body. By the spiritual influences illuminating the brain of the healing medium so that the cause, nature and seat of the disease in the patient become known to the medium. Through the application of absent treatments whereby spiritual beings combine their own healing forces with the magnetism and vitalizing energy of the medium and convey them to the patient who is distant from the medium and cause them to be absorbed by the system of the patient.

Spiritual Healing is recognized by the New Testament. It has been a tenet of ancient and modern religions and is now a tenet of modern spiritualism practiced by our healers.

Spiritualism does not deny that physicians and surgeons are quite necessary. We cooperate with them at all times.



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